Thursday, July 12, 2007


Christina Littlefield’s recent story regarding CSN construction administrator, Bob Gilbert, while appearing balanced in that it notes the remarkable talents Mr. Gilbert brings to our college, is troubling in that it inaccurately describes the central critic of Mr. Gilbert, Frank Lassus. Mr. Lassus, prior to being fired by CCSN president, Ron Remington, was not a “high level administrator” at CCSN. He was a low level functionary who moved furniture and opened doors to locked classrooms. Dr. Remington believed that the 60, 000 dollar a year salary being collected by Lassus was too much and gave him a notice of contract non-renewal. Since that that notice would give Mr. Lassus only one more year of guaranteed employment, Bob Gilbert volunteered to allow Mr. Lassus to work for him during his remaining year.
Mr. Lassus is still apparently unhappy that Bob Gilbert could not rescind his firing and has, now, chosen to present himself to the SUN as something he was not to get even with the only man who cared enough about him to give him a break. (Several months, ago, Mr. Gilbert provided MR. Lassus with a letter of recommendation.) Mr. Lassus, unfortunately, gives credence to the axiom, “No good deed goes un-punished.”

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